星期日, 二月 04, 2007

ubuntu upstart

      The Ubuntu replacement, which is installed by default in Edgy, is called Upstart, and is intended to enable Ubuntu systems to better navigate dependencies among the services it's responsible for launching. In our tests, we did notice somewhat shorter startup and shutdown times, which, for now, are the primary advertised benefit of Upstart.

在DL.HHF的Athlon64上装了ubuntu6.10-Desktop-i386版本,安装感觉很好...比我的slackware 10.2好多了,不愧是desktop edition.难怪那么多人都用ubuntu,装个mplayer只需要sudo apt-get install mplayer,剩下的就是去喝茶了.

虽然是那么好用的linux desktop,但是我用起来没有安全感。怀念slackware完全tui的模式,自己可以掌控一切的感觉。


ps:刚把debian3.1r4的2个DVD ISO下载回来..回家继续折腾

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